首页»商标交易买卖»欧盟商标»第04类 - 燃料油脂»LuckyButterfly


商标名称: LuckyButterfly
商标属地: 欧盟商标交易买卖
商标类别: 第04类 - 燃料油脂
商标状态: 已下证,主簿注册,状况良好,转让出售
包过户价格: ¥44700
商标序列号: 018487127 (点击此处进入官网详情页面.)
商标注册号: 018487127
包含商品 /服务:

第4类:蜡烛;石蜡;通用润滑剂;人造壁炉原木;用于制造蜡烛的蜂蜡;圣诞树蜡烛;用于清扫的集尘组合物;皮革防腐油和油脂;纺织油;蜡烛灯芯;润滑油;发动机燃料中的非化学添加剂;酒精和混合酒精燃料;酒精燃料;万能渗透油;工业用动物油;无烟煤;香薰香薰蜡烛;人造石油;汽车发动机油;汽车润滑脂;汽车润滑油;航空燃料;含有柴油或煤油的回火火炬和灯芯,用于启动回火以控制火灾和控制燃烧;用作燃料的甘蔗渣;基础油;棒球手套调理油;用于进一步制造的蜂蜡;用于制造化妆品的蜂蜡;用于制造软膏的蜂蜡;腰带敷料;苯燃料;生物柴油燃料;生物燃料;生物质,即用作能源和电力燃料的木质纤维素材料;丁烷燃料;蜡蜡烛性质的探条;蜡烛火炬;蜡烛制作套件;用于照明蜡烛的蜡烛和灯芯;蜡或液体蜡烛,用于雕刻南瓜、小南瓜、葫芦和其他水果和蔬菜;含有驱虫剂的蜡烛;照明蜡烛;夜灯蜡烛;婚礼蜡烛;巴西棕榈蜡;工业用蓖麻油;火锅燃料;木炭煤球;点烟器液;煤炭;煤气;工业用椰子油;可乐;工业用菜子油;可燃油;压缩天然气;原油;切削液;柴油;钻井润滑剂;电能;发动机油;壁炉原木;柴;用于百花香燃烧器的芳香蜡;燃料;以酒精为基础的燃料;齿轮油;由植物油和植物蜡组成的凝胶,用于制造化妆品和盥洗用品;机器用润滑脂;石墨润滑剂;靴子和鞋子的润滑脂;导热油;工业油;照明纸;液化天然气;液体燃料;机动车润滑油;淬火油;水果和蔬菜的保护蜡;滑板蜡;固体燃料;小蜡烛;植物蜡。第9类:太阳能板; 磁铁; 鼠标【数据处理设备】; 扫描仪[数据处理设备]; 鼠标垫; USB 闪存驱动器; 智能眼镜; 智能手机; 扬声器; 耳机; 婴儿监视器; 手电筒【摄影】; 屏幕[摄影]; 自拍[相机]; 防护头盔; 夹鼻眼镜; 隐形眼镜; 太阳镜; 手机电池充电器; 智能手表; 电脑; 手机壳; 潜水服; 无线耳机; 电池充电器; 电缆和电线; 电脑键盘; 电池,电动; 望远镜; 探测器; 平板电脑; 摄像机; 数据线; 鼠标【电脑周边】; 麦克风; USB充电器; 相机; 电源插座; USB集线器; 音频扬声器; 音频接收器; 屏幕;太阳能电池板;眼镜盒;摩托车头盔;电脑显示器;扫描仪;监控摄像头;手写笔[光笔];试管;科学仪器和仪器;平板电脑套;笔记本电脑保护套;电线;电缆,电动; IC存储卡; USB 电缆; USB硬件;移动硬盘;固态硬盘;移动电源;里程表;车速表;对讲机;耳机盒;移动电话;锂电池;手机;电源开关;航海仪器;防护面具;电脑周边设备;开关,电动;监视器; LED显示器;眼镜架;适用于手机的支架;运动相机;行车记录仪;电子计算器;电锁; 3D眼镜;机顶盒;键盘;自行车头盔;测量仪器;手机贴膜性质的显示屏保护膜;路由器;网络监控摄像头;防护眼镜;防护头饰;数据处理设备;办公室打孔卡机;电力设备、仪器和电缆;显微镜;提供夜视的设备;热成像仪;水下相机;触摸屏;手机充电器;烟雾报警器测试仪;个人音响;音频放大器;车载电话听筒支架;智能音箱;便携式扬声器;个人报警器;电动门铃;防止事故、辐射和火灾的服装;防止事故、辐射和火灾的鞋子;指纹门锁;车辆里程记录器;检测仪器和仪器;警报;车辆后视摄像头;变压器【电】;断路器;电压互感器;电流互感器;开关柜【电动】;电脑周边设备;秤;措施;天线;配电盘;数码相框;数字图书阅读器;电影剪辑设备;快门释放[摄影];幻灯机;投影屏幕;膜片[声学];遮光罩;光学镜片;电流整流器;电动联轴器;变阻器;半导体;电源插座盖;发光二极管[LED];防火服装和衣服;呼吸面罩过滤器;潜水员手套;面具 [防护 -];工人的护膝;除车辆座椅和运动器材外的安全约束装置;潜水员和游泳者的鼻夹;运动防护头盔;蓄能器罐;用于训练动物的电子项圈;适用于电脑屏幕的保护膜;逆变器;交直流逆变器;水下游泳呼吸器;耳塞;电线接线盒;喇叭喇叭;相机护目镜;适用于智能手机的保护膜;可穿戴电脑周边设备;卷尺;矫正眼镜;计算机外围设备的固件;报警监控系统;电插头;通讯器材;电子秤;锁,电动;防火靴;游泳镜;监控摄像头;防盗报警装置;液晶显示屏;耳机转接线;适用于手机的支架;摄像机镜头;音频设备;高架投影仪;无线键盘;扬声器箱体;摄影投影仪;无线充电器;电力干线材料[电线、电缆];电池适配器;汽车影音导航计算机应用;导航设备[指南针];硬盘驱动器;收音机;车载电视;车载录像机;汽车音响设备;个人电脑摄像头;全球定位系统(GPS)设备;无线电脑外设;电影屏幕;扬声器;太阳能电池充电器;手机壳;扬声器;电适配器;自拍杆【手持独脚架】;测量仪器和仪器;遥控装置;智能手机充电器;头戴式视频显示器;对讲机;电视解码器;潜水器具;集成电路卡【智能卡】;可充电电池;安全数字 (SD) 存储卡;无线局域网设备;视频游戏机的存储卡;相机 [摄影];用于智能手机的无线耳机;手机免提支架;手表形状的智能手机;运动激活相机;沙漏;数字万用表;液晶显示器;便携式媒体播放器;三角警示牌;湿度测量仪;水平测量杆;校准装置;儿童眼镜;眼镜镜片;眼镜、太阳镜和隐形眼镜;偏光眼镜;防眩目眼镜。第12类:电动单轮滑板车;车辆操纵杆;车把操纵杆【摩托车零件】;自行车水壶架;电动轮椅;汽车变速杆;周期;摩托车车架;电动车;手推车;自平衡两轮电动滑板车;汽车换档;安装摩托车罩;摩托车把手;前仪表板[摩托车零件];刹车踏板[摩托车零件];摩托车轮胎;大灯支架[摩托车零件];车把[摩托车零件];汽车座椅的座垫;车牌架;轮椅扶手;汽车座椅扶手;婴儿车;汽车轮胎【轮胎】;汽车用气泵;独轮车;民用无人机;婴儿车罩和罩;车辆行李网;后视镜;车辆内饰;自平衡板;汽车刹车片;汽车底盘;汽车座垫;汽车仪表盘;摩托车;汽车内饰;挡风玻璃雨刮片;车辆;电动自行车;汽车挡风玻璃雨刷器;杂货车;遮阳板是车身的一部分;汽车内饰件;宠物推车;轮椅;车辆引擎盖;摩托车;车轮防滑链;车用烟灰缸;汽车烟灰缸;汽车保险杠;汽车点烟器;汽车踏板;汽车车顶行李架;汽车引擎盖;汽车车窗;平衡车[车辆];踏板循环;汽车座套;儿童自行车;电动独轮车;安装好的自行车罩;折叠式婴儿车;折叠电动自行车;迷你自行车;山地自行车;自平衡电动独轮车;自平衡滑板车。第27类:主要由橡胶制成的防破损地垫;主要由塑料制成的工业应用中使用的地垫;人造草坪;地毯;壁纸;由聚丙烯制成的粘合剂涂层污染控制地垫,可捕获微粒;飞机地毯;抗疲劳地垫;主要由纺织品制成的抗疲劳地垫;用于楼梯的防滑地板;主要由橡胶制成的防滑地垫;主要由塑料制成的防静电地垫;非安全使用的防静电垫;区域地毯;人造草皮;用于铺设休闲区表面的人造草皮;汽车地毯;专为瑜伽垫设计的袋子;烧烤架地垫;浴垫;浴室垫;浴室地毯;沙滩垫;边框是墙纸本质上的墙饰;地毯背衬;地毯衬垫;用于覆盖地板的地毯砖;由纺织品制成的地毯;地毯衬垫;地毯衬垫,即地毯抓手;汽车地毯;地毯和地毯;用于覆盖现有地板的地毯、地毯、垫子和垫子、油毡;椅垫【椅下地板保护垫】;软木垫;现有地板的覆盖物;片状装饰性防滑地板覆盖物;装饰壁挂,非纺织品;一次性吸水地垫;门垫;印度橡胶或纺织门垫;织物浴垫;地板覆盖物,即地板滑轨;由纺织品制成的地板覆盖物;汽车脚垫;带有主要由橡胶制成的标志的地垫;地垫,耐火,用于壁炉和烧烤;地毯制成的地砖;用于游乐区表面的泡沫垫;车辆地板托盘;毛皮地毯; Goza 冲凉垫;健身房运动垫;体育馆地板覆盖物;体操垫;马档地垫;联锁地板滑轨,用于在施工期间为地板表面提供临时保护;日式稻草垫(榻榻米);柔道垫;油布;用于地板的油毡;用于创建滑雪坡面的编织绳垫;滑雪场用编织绳垫;冥想垫; Mushiro 草席;防滑浴缸垫;浴室防滑垫;淋浴间防滑垫;非纺织墙面覆盖物;非纺织壁挂;东方无纺地毯(莫森);纸浴垫;纸地垫;个人运动垫;个人坐垫;宠物喂食垫;塑料浴垫;祈祷垫;祈祷毯;芦苇垫;橡胶垫;带有花卉图案的冲刺垫(hana-mushiro);草席;合成草【人造草皮】;纺织内衬墙纸;家用纺织地垫;人造草皮垫层;纺织壁纸;墙纸覆盖物;木门垫;摔跤垫;瑜伽垫;专为瑜伽垫设计的瑜伽巾;全部或大部分由丝绸、竹子制成的地毯。 ➤ CLASS 4:Candles; Paraffin; All purpose lubricants; Artificial fireplace logs; Beeswax for use in the manufacture of candles; Christmas tree candles; Dust binding compositions for sweeping; Leather preserving oil and grease; Textile oils; Wicks for candles; Lubricating oils; Additives, non-chemical, to motor fuel; Alcohol and mixed alcohol fuel; Alcohol fuel; All purpose penetrating oil; Animal oils for industrial purposes; Anthracite; Aromatherapy fragrance candles; Artificial petroleum; Automotive engine oils; Automotive greases; Automotive lubricants; Aviation fuel; Backfire torches containing diesel oil or kerosene and a wick for use in starting backfires to control fires and for controlled burns; Bagasse for use as fuel; Base oils; Baseball glove conditioning oil; Beeswax for use in further manufacture; Beeswax for use in the manufacture of cosmetics; Beeswax for use in the manufacture of ointments; Belt dressings; Benzene fuel; Biodiesel fuel; Biofuel; Biomass, namely, a lignocellulosic material used as a fuel for generating energy and electricity; Butane fuel; Bougies in the nature of wax candles; Candle torches; Candle-making kits; Candles and wicks for candles for lighting; Candles being of wax or liquid, for the illumination of carved pumpkins, mini-pumpkins, gourds, and other fruits and vegetables; Candles containing insect repellent; Candles for lighting; Candles for night lights; Candles for wedding; Carnauba wax; Castor oil for industrial purposes; Chafing dish fuel; Charcoal briquettes; Cigarette lighter fluid; Coal; Coal gas; Coconut oils for industrial purposes; Coke; Colza oil for industrial purposes; Combustible oil; Compressed natural gas; Crude oil; Cutting fluids; Diesel oil; Drilling lubricants; Electrical energy; Engine oils; Fireplace logs; Firewood; Fragrant wax for use in potpourri burners; Fuel; Fuel with an alcohol base; Gear oils; Gels comprised of plant-based oils and plant-based waxes for use in the manufacture of cosmetics and toiletries; Grease for machines; Graphite lubricants; Greases for boots and shoes; Heat transfer oils; Industrial oil; Lighting paper; Liquefied natural gas; Liquid fuels; Motor vehicle lubricants; Quenching oils; Protective wax for fruits and vegetables; Skateboard wax; Solid fuels; Tealight candles; Vegetable wax. CLASS 9:Solar panels; Magnets; Mouse [data processing equipment]; Scanners [data processing equipment]; Mouse pads; USB flash drives; Smart glasses; Smartphones; Loudspeakers; headphones; Baby monitors; Flashlights [photography]; Screens [photography]; Self-timers [for cameras]; Protective helmets; Pince-nez; Contact lenses; Sunglasses; Battery chargers for mobile phones; Smart watches; Computers; Phone cases; Diving suits; Wireless headphones; Battery chargers; Electric cables and wires; Computer keyboards; Batteries, electric; Telescopes; Detectors; Tablet computers; Camcorders; Data cables; Mouse [computer peripheral]; Microphones; USB chargers; Cameras; Electric sockets; USB hubs; Audio speakers; Audio receivers; Screens; Solar cell panels; Spectacle cases; Motorcycle helmets; Computer monitors; Scanners; Security cameras; Stylus [light pens]; Test tubes; Scientific apparatus and instruments; Tablet covers; Protective cases for laptops; Electric wires; Cables, electric; IC memory cards; USB cables; USB hardware; Mobile hard drives; Solid state drives; Power banks; Odometers; Speedometers; Intercoms; Cases for headphones; Mobile telephones; Lithium batteries; Cell phones; Power switches; Navigational instruments; Protective masks; Computer peripheral devices; Switches, electric; Monitors; LED monitors; Eyeglass frames; Holders adapted for mobile phones; Action cameras; Tachographs; Electronic calculators; Electrical locks; 3D spectacles; Set-top boxes; Keypads; Bicycle helmets; Measuring instruments; Display screen protectors in the nature of films for mobile phones; Routers; Network surveillance cameras; Protective eyeglasses; Protective headgear; Apparatus for data processing; Punched card machines for offices; Apparatus, instruments and cables for electricity; Microscopes; Apparatus providing night vision; Thermography apparatus; Underwater cameras; Touch screens; Chargers for mobile phones; Smoke alarm testers; Personal stereos; Audio amplifiers; In-car telephone handset cradles; Smart speakers; Portable speakers; Personal alarm apparatus; Electric doorbells; Clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; Fingerprint door locks; Milage recorders for vehicles; Detecting apparatus and instruments; Alarms; Rearview cameras for vehicles; Transformers [electricity]; Circuit breakers; Electric voltage transformers; Electric current transformers; Switchgear [electric]; Computer peripheral apparatus; Scales; Measures; Aerials; Switchboards; Digital photo frames; Digital book readers; Editing appliances for cinematographic films; Shutter releases [photography]; Slide projectors; Projection screens; Diaphragms [acoustics]; Lens hoods; Optical lenses; Current rectifiers; Electric couplings; Rheostats; Semi-conductors; Covers for electric outlets; Light-emitting diodes [LED]; Garments and clothes for protection against fire; Filters for respiratory masks; Gloves for divers; Masks [Protective -]; Knee-pads for workers; Safety restraints, other than for vehicle seats and sports equipment; Nose clips for divers and swimmers; Protection helmets for sports; Accumulator jars; Electronic collars to train animals; Protective films adapted for computer screens; Inverters; AC/DC inverters; Breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; Ear buds; Junction boxes for electric wires; Horns for loudspeakers; Camera goggles; Protective films adapted for smartphones; Wearable computer peripheral devices; Tape measures; Corrective eyewear; Firmware for computer peripherals; Alarm monitoring systems; Electric plugs; communications apparatus; Electronic weighing scales; Locks, electric; Boots for protection against fire; Swim goggles; monitoring cameras; Anti-theft warning apparatus; Liquid crystal display screens; Adapter cables for headphones; Stands adapted for mobile phones; Lenses for video cameras; Audio frequency apparatus; Overhead projectors; Wireless keyboards; Cabinets for loudspeakers; Photographic projectors; Wireless chargers; Materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; Battery adapters; Computer applications for car audio video navigation; Navigating apparatus [compasses]; Hard disk drives; Radio sets; Car televisions; Car video recorders; Car audio apparatus; Personal computer cameras; Global positioning system (GPS) apparatus; Wireless computer peripherals; Film screens; Speakers; Solar battery chargers; Cases for mobile phones; Loud speakers; Electric adaptors; Selfie sticks [hand-held monopods]; Surveying apparatus and instruments; Remote control apparatus; Chargers for smartphones; Head-mounted video displays; Walkie-talkies; Television decoders; Diving apparatus; Integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; Chargeable batteries; Secure Digital (SD) Memory Cards; Wireless local area network devices; Memory cards for video game machines; Cameras [photography]; Wireless headsets for smartphones; Hands-free holders for cell phones; Smartphones in the shape of a watch; Motion-activated cameras; Hourglasses; Digital multi-meters; LCD monitors; Portable media players; Warning triangles; Humidity measuring apparatus; Level gauging poles; Calibrating apparatus; Children's eye glasses; Eyeglass lenses; Glasses, sunglasses and contact lenses; Polarizing spectacles; Anti-glare glasses. CLASS 12:Electric one wheel scooters; Vehicle joysticks; Handle bar control levers [parts of motorcycles]; Bicycle water bottle cages; Electric wheelchairs; Automobile gear sticks; Cycles; Frames for motorcycles; Electric cars; Hand carts; Self-balancing two-wheeled electric scooters; Gear shifts for automobiles; Fitted motorcycle covers; Handle bars for motorcycles; Front dash panels [parts of motorcycles]; Brake pedals [parts of motorcycles]; Motorcycle tires; Headlight mounts [parts of motorcycles]; Handle bar grips [parts of motorcycles]; Seat cushions for the seats of cars; Numberplate holders; Arm rests for wheelchairs; Armrests for automobile seats; Strollers; Automobile tires [tyres]; Air pumps for automobiles; Wheelbarrows; Civilian drones; Pushchair covers and hoods; Luggage nets for vehicles; Rearview mirrors; Upholstery for vehicles; Self-balancing boards; Brake pads for automobiles; Automobile chassis; Automobile seat cushions; Automobile dashboards; Motorcycles; Automotive interior trim; Windscreen wiper blades; Vehicles; Electric bicycle; Windscreen wipers for motor cars; Grocery carts; Sun visors being parts of vehicle bodywork; Interior trim parts of automobiles; Pet strollers; Wheelchairs; Hoods for vehicles; Motorscooters; Anti-slide chains for vehicle wheels; Ashtrays for vehicles; Ashtrays for automobiles; Bumpers for automobiles; Automobile cigarette lighters; Automobile running boards; Automobile roof racks; Vehicle hoods; Automobile windows; Balance bicycles [vehicles]; Pedal cycles; Car seat covers; Children's bicycles; Electric unicycles; Fitted bicycle covers; Fold-up pushchairs; Folding electric bicycles; Mini-bikes; Mountain bicycles; Self-balancing electric unicycles; Self-balancing scooters. CLASS 27:Anti-breakage floor mats made primarily of rubber; Floor mats used in industrial applications made primarily of plastic; Artificial lawn; Rugs; Wallpapers; Adhesive coated contamination control floor mat made of polypropylene that captures particulates; Aircraft carpet; Anti-fatigue floor mat; Anti-fatigue floor mats made primarily of textiles; Anti-slip floor coverings for use on staircases; Anti-slip floor mats made primarily of rubber; Anti-static floor mats made primarily of plastic; Anti-static mats for non-safety use; Area rugs; Artificial turf; Artificial turf for laying on the surfaces of recreational areas; Automobile carpets; Bags specially adapted for yoga mats; Barbecue grill floor mats; Bath mats; Bathroom mats; Bathroom rugs; Beach mats; Borders being wall decorations in the nature of wall coverings; Carpet backing; Carpet padding; Carpet tiles for covering floors; Carpet tiles made of textiles; Carpet underlays; Carpet underlays, namely, rug grippers; Carpeting for vehicles; Carpets and rugs; Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum for covering existing floors; Chair mats [under-chair floor protector]; Cork mats; Coverings for existing floors; Decorative slip-resistant floor covering in sheet form; Decorative wall hangings, not of textile; Disposable absorbent floor pads; Door mats; Door mats of India rubber or textile; Fabric bath mats; Floor coverings, namely, floor runners; Floor coverings made of textiles; Floor mats for automobiles; Floor mats featuring logos made primarily of rubber; Floor mats, fire-resistant, for fireplaces and barbecues; Floor tiles made of carpet; Foam mats for use on play area surfaces; Floor trays for vehicles; Fur rugs; Goza rush mats; Gymnasium exercise mats; Gymnasium floor coverings; Gymnastic mats; Horse stall floor mats; Interlocking floor runners for providing temporary protection of floor surfaces during construction; Japanese rice straw mats (tatami mats); Judo mats; Linoleum; Linoleum for use on floors; Mats of woven rope for creating ski slope surfaces; Mats of woven rope for ski slopes; Meditation mats; Mushiro straw mats; Non-slip bathtub mats; Non-slip mats for baths; Non-slip mats for showers; Non-textile wall coverings; Non-textile wall hangings; Oriental non-woven rugs (mosen); Paper bath mats; Paper floor mats; Personal exercise mats; Personal sitting mats; Pet feeding mats; Plastic bath mats; Prayer mats; Prayer rugs; Reed mats; Rubber mats; Rush mats with floral patterns (hana-mushiro); Straw mats; Synthetic grass [artificial turf]; Textile lined wallpaper; Textile floor mats for use in the home; Underlayment padding for artificial turf; Textile wallpaper; Wall coverings of paper; Wooden door mats; Wrestling mats; Yoga mats; Yoga towels specially adapted for yoga mats; Rugs made in whole or substantial part of silk,bamboo.

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⇓ 买 家 必 读 ⇓

1. 保证合法持有并有权出售该商标

2. 保证成功的商标所有权转让过户;

3. 保证成功的域名过户(如果域名包含在内);









1. 更换商标代理人。



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• 第一次提交截止日期:您必须在注册日期后的第5至第6年之间提交使用证据和使用声明(或可免责不使用声明)。如果该声明被接受,注册将在接下来的十年期内持续有效,计算方式是从注册日期开始计算,除非遭到商标专员或联邦法院的撤销。

• 第二次提交截止日期:您必须在注册日期后的第9至第10年之间提交使用证据和使用声明(或可免责不使用声明)和续展申请。

连续10年期的要求 - 需要提交的文件和时间:

• 每隔9至10年的期间,计算方式是从注册日期开始计算,您必须提交使用证据和使用声明(或可免责不使用声明)和续展申请。

◆ 买方将从转让/过户中获得什么?


◆ 转让/过户是怎样实现的?


◆ 官方网页上会有什么变化?

转让将被记录在案,商标所有人信息将会更改 — 美国商标局网页上信息向公众开放,可随时查阅。

◆ 买家在这个过程中需要做什么?


◆ 过户需要多长时间?



在资料审核合格之后,亚马逊会发送邮件给商标联系人(联系人一般为代理律师)的邮箱。邮件里包含一串用于验证商标使用授权的验证码。 商标持有人联系代理律师得到验证码后提供给亚马逊备案申请人,申请人需填写验证码并回复该CASE。亚马逊在收到验证码之后会尽快通过备案申请(一般1-2天即可)。



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◆ 国内外比较著名的域名注册商有阿里云,腾讯云,百度云,GoDaddy,NameCheap等。

◆ 这些不同域名注册商之间的域名转移需要5-7天时间。而同一个域名注册商两个账户之间的域名转移则只需要几分钟甚至几秒钟。

◆ 不同域名注册商之间域名过户需要授权码 - 卖家执行域名转出操作并生成授权码,买家得到授权码之后,在自己的注册商账户里填写域名和授权码等简单的域名转入操作即可。域名注册商之间通常在5-7天内完成域名转移工作

◆ 同一域名注册商账户间的域名转移,需要买家提供自己的账户信息给卖家,由卖家操作域名转移即可。